Arch Design

After a lengthy trip to Menards, and searching through all the plumbing choices I finally settled on the construction materials to start building the leaping arches. Based on the flexibility and the availability of the necessary connections I settled on a 1/2″ CPVC pipe to form the arch, and decided to reuse some 1″ pvc I had left over from a project at work for the wraps of lights. I got this design after searching several websites and is a combination of a few designs. I liked the fact of using a pipe for the structure, and a separate pipe over that one for the lights. This will allow a simple change out if a string of lights fails, or if I want to switch out the design, or color of lights without having to unwrap the entire arch. Also this should allow for easier storage which is always a good thing. Putting together the cpvc and painting went by quickly,but the wrapping if the lights has proven to be time consuming and hard on the hands. Looking forward to getting the pieces done and assembled this weekend! First full weekend off since the summer started.

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